Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Could've been worse

So yea don't leave pretty things outside if you live downtown.  I know now from experience, cause my awesome 3y/o shiny blue bike......STOLEN. Right out of my backyard, here in Charleston. Really put a damper on my daily transit.   : /  Anywho, I've been pretty dang irritated and pissed off about it since Monday morning, when I walked down from the apartment to head out to work and found my ride was no where is site. Not a trace.  First thing I did--first thing I Always do when I need to vent-- I called my Mom. "Well as long as you're ok. At least it wasn't your car."  Of course leave it to Momma to make me feel like I should "count my lucky stars" rather than piss and moan about it. Which in the grand scheme of things are great words of wisdom, but at the time I just wasn't hearing nothing of it! I just wanted to be frustrated at stupid people who do crap like stealing other people's belongings.  But she's right, it Could have been worse...A lot worse. It was just a bike, a small luxury item. Not a life, not a trip to the hospital, not a life altering event, not even that big of a blow to the wallet-- cause I've gotten many a great rides out of that bike!  

Just a minute ago I was looking through my Facebook homepage and saw that one of my former classmates actually came home from clinical today to find his door kicked in and many of his valuable belongings gone.  I would much rather be in my shoes than his.   Kinda gave me some perspective.  Could always be worse.

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